Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Madness and Bracketology

Well call the doctor!  There's a disease that is sweeping the nation and it's called March Madness.

March is the only month of the year that there are more brackets that are filled out than paper work.  Where there are more amateur bracketoligists than you can count.  It is a crazy time!

Now i don't gamble (for the most part) but the only two times that I do are: March Madness and the Superbowl.  I won my Superbowl bet so hopefully i'll win one of my brackets.

Right now you can't go to any sport magazine's website with out getting bombarded with info on the teams.  You have "experts" all choosing the winner and picking the winners.  Although picking the perfect bracket is practically impossible.  In fact a professor did the math its a 1-in-100,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance of getting it right, so that's a one-in-100 million trillion.  I'll take a line from 'Dumb and Dumber' here and say "So you're saying there's a chance!"  That's basically what keeps us coming back for more.

Bracketology has become an unofficial science with an unproven method.  Some people choose their brackets by the numbers game (me), some do it by the colors of the jersey's, some do it by the mascots, and others just guess on it.  You can go here to get a printable bracket and join the rest of America in the madness.  One local writer, David Gale, chose BYU to win it all, I think its more of a joke though.  

So who is going to win it?  Might as well ask a fortune teller that question, its anyone's guess.  Although Vegas is guessing that Kentucky will win it as they are a 5-2 favorites and then Ohio State is the second favorite with a 6-1 line on them.  So if I was a betting man I would choose Kentucky..... or Michigan State...... or Florida State..... or North Carolina...  Shoot, choose anyone really just not a number 16 seed.

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